Getting started with German lessons is easy enough, but it takes a bit of consistency to progress quickly. There is no fixed timeframe for learning a new language, but the best way to make progress is to dedicate a few minutes each day to learning German. Using apps like Duolingo can help, but you should also be trying to listen to as much German as possible in your daily life. Watching German TV shows and movies is a great way to do this, but you should also try listening to German songs on the radio or even downloading free German-language podcasts.
You should also try to memorize a few basic German phrases each day and start practicing your pronunciation. Pronunciation is one of the hardest things to get right when learning a foreign language, so it’s important that you spend a lot of time with German speakers and practice with a native-speaking tutor.
Once you’ve mastered some basic German, it’s time to dive deeper into the language. You’ll find that German is very similar to English, but there are a few quirks to learn. For example, the German letters a, o and u are pronounced differently than they are in English, and the German j sounds like the English y. You’ll also be introduced to the four German cases, which determine a word’s gender and its relationship to other words.
In this series, you’ll explore the vocabulary and culture of Germany. You’ll learn about travel, food, health and wellness, German history and politics and more. You’ll also improve your knowledge of grammatical structures such as modal verbs and the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.