Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

With good Broome accommodation in the Kimberly region of Western Australia, Broome hotels and resorts make a great base to explore the untouched environment of the Kimberley which I first discovered in 1974. Accommodation Broome-style used to be a bit rough in the 70’s pioneer town I lived in but now the Broome resorts and Broome backpackers accommodation are world class Australian accommodation properties.

Broome can be reached by road or by plane from Perth, Darwin, Port Hedland or Bali.

The people of Broome are very friendly and relaxed. Many of them are Aboriginals. Sport and recreation is a large part of community life. Fishing in Broome is a popular recreational activity.

Broome has a great sub tropical climate and Broome’s Cable Beach is one of the best beaches in the world (Cable beach, Broome is listed as one of the top 5 beaches in the world in top travel magazines).

Surfing at Cable Beach Broome in the dry season, April to Nov, is small, fast and enjoyable. During cyclones surf can get BIG at Grantheaume Point where seeing red sunsets and pindan (unique low native trees and bushes that thrive in the soils of the Kimberleys) are a must.

Also one of the biggest annual events is the Broome Races. The Races is a very popular Broome event and I recommend advanced Broome accommodation bookings.

In August Broome’s main event is Shinju Matsuri (Festival of the Pearl). If you want to enjoy happy times of the festival, it pays to book your Broome accommodation well in advance.

When you first get into Broome and are ready to explore this incredible place your first stop should be the Broome Visitors Centre which you will find on the corner of Broome Hwy & Bagot St. Ph: 9192-2222 or make a freecall on 1800-883-777. They can offer you a wide array of information on what to see and how to get there. They will also point you towards the types of events and sights that are tailored to your particular needs. So no being shunted off to see something that just doesn’t work for you!

A bit on the local weather

Max temp 32.1ºC (av)

Min temp 21.1ºC (av)

Annual rainfall 580 mms (about 24 inches)

How wonderful is that Broome weather? Couldn’t get better could it?

The Northern parts of Australia experience only 2 seasons a year – The Wet and The Dry.

The Wet: Oct – Mar is the monsoon season with it’s spectacular tropical thunderstorms and balmy nights. Warning: Be aware that some of the remote areas may not be accessible by motor vehicle and this includes 4-wheel drives because of the rains.

The Dry: Apr – Sept for those seeking the sun but don’t forget your 30+ sunscreen


Broome Township 13,700

Local Radio Station



Check with the Broome Visitors Centre or the local Police before travelling into any remote areas. It is vital that you leave your travel details with Police and when you arrive safetly to let them know of your safe arrival. If you do NOT you could die (we have tourist that die regularly in the Australain Outback) or face a very heavy bill for any unnecessary rescue effort that may be instigated.

Places of Interest

Pearlers Row Gallery

The perfect place to see traditional Aboriginal ochre and art works. They also offer for sale work by local contemporary artists.

Anastasia’s Pool

Located at Gantheaume Point and built of local sandstone by a former lighthouse keeper to help ease the pain suffered by his arthritic wife.

Bedford Park

Overlooking the spectacular Roebuck Bay. The park includes a replica of the chest that belonged to William Dampier, the discoverer of the area, the local War Memorial and numerous boab trees.

The Shell House

Developed from a private collection of shells from the waters of the local Kimberley coast. The collection, of over 6.000 shells, preserved fish and crustacea, is open to the public for viewing. It also contains a shop that sells souveneirs and Mother of Pearl items. diamond painting bilder

By Admin

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