Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

A lot of smokers want to stop and you might be looking for information on how to stop smoking having made previous unsuccessful attempts.

It is not uncommon to be in this position as stopping smoking is not easy and you need to really make a very firm decision to do so. It may help to write down why you to want to quit to remind you when the going gets tough.

The difficulty with stopping smoking is there are both physical and mental addictions to beat and beating the physical addition is the easy part (relatively).

People smoke because:


  • It is a pleasurable experience and relaxes the smoker.
  • Smokers have developed an unconscious link between certain activities and environments and smoking.
  • They have an addiction to nicotine.


As an alternative to quitting smoking you might think about using electronic cigarettes. People have used these to stop smoking although they are not marketed for this purpose but they do make smoking cheaper, cleaner and harmless to others. You can also choose how much, if any, nicotine they supply.

Some of the possible approaches to stopping smoking are:

Cold Turkey

This is the simplest and cheapest method but not the most successful. You pick a date and from that point you no longer smoke. The initial period is very difficult so you need to be very strong minded to be successful. The success rate is estimated to be between 5% and 10%.

Alternative Sources Of Nicotine

Products such as nicotine patches or gum are used to replace that previously received from cigarettes. They deliver a controlled dose into the body to relieve some of the withdrawal symptoms. There is a lot of variation in the claimed success rates but for nicotine replacement used on its own they vary from 7% to 35%.

Stop Smoking Medication

Medications (such as Zyban) help relieve withdrawal symptoms without the use of nicotine but are intended for short-term use only. There are also homeopathic remedies (such as Smoke Deter) which do the same thing.

Various Therapies

You can learn how to modify your behavior to break habits that lead to smoking and how to stay motivated to quit smoking. In fact it is very difficult to stop smoking without help and support and any sort of counseling or organized program will help considerably.

Quit Smoking Hypnosis

When considering how to stop smoking, hypnosis should be taken seriously as it has success rates of up to 50%. Quit smoking hypnosis is based on reprogramming the subconscious mind to stop associating smoking with pleasure and relaxation and to substitute some other behavior. It can also be used to remove conditioned responses so the smoker loses the urge to smoke when in the environments that used to trigger it.

Hypnosis will not work for everyone, but it is well worth trying.

Best Option

Trying to stop smoking on your own is very difficult and likely to fail. Support of some sort will increase your chance of success considerably and it may be that taking something to help with the nicotine withdrawal, combined with hypnosis or behavioral therapy to address the psychological addiction, is likely to give you the best chance to stop smoking for good. gippro

By Admin

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