Often, selfish people do not realize how their behavior affects those around them. They may even believe that their actions are justified. Consequently, they might refuse to change. However, if you are willing to take a few steps to tackle the issue, you can get things back in order. You can help them understand how important it is to share the responsibility and effort in a relationship. Moreover, you can teach them to appreciate small gestures.
You can also initiate a conversation that encourages them to consider your feelings. This will aid them in recognizing the consequences of their actions and encourage them to make changes. However, you should remember to approach this discussion in a calm and thoughtful state. Otherwise, your partner might become defensive or react in a hostile manner, thereby deepening the gap between you.
It is also possible that your partner’s self-centered behavior could be a result of some underlying issues. For example, they might feel the need to prioritize their friends or hobbies over yours because of some personal issues. In this case, you can encourage them to seek professional help to address these issues.
You can also tell your partner how their selfish behavior makes you feel. This can encourage them to change their ways since they might realize that the current state of the relationship is not ideal. Moreover, you can emphasize that relationships are more fulfilling when both parties contribute their fair share of efforts and consideration for one another. Ways to Deal With a Selfish Partner in a Relationship