Instagram is a social media platform that offers users the opportunity to watch live videos. These live videos are usually broadcasted by Instagram influencers and creators.
The platform was first introduced in 2018 and has since become an important part of social media. Instagram later removed its IGTV feature in October 2021 and now includes live video content as part of the Stories feature.
1. Go to the Explore page
The Instagram Explore page is a great place to watch random live videos. It shows you a variety of different types of content, including popular stories, live videos, and even IGTV videos. You can also search for people or places to see what’s happening around you. It’s also a great way to get a feel for the culture of Instagram.
You can also find random live Instagram videos by following a lot of people. This will give you a higher chance of seeing a live video from someone who follows you back. However, this method can be a bit difficult to master. It’s important to follow a large number of people and keep your notifications active, so you don’t miss any live posts.
Another way to find random Instagram live videos is to search for them using hashtags. This can be done by tapping on the magnifying glass icon on the top of the app or by using the search bar. Instagram will then show you a list of users who have been live at the moment. You can view their profile pictures and see if there is a pulsating circle that indicates that they are live.
Once you’ve found a user who has a live video, tap on the profile photo to watch it. If you’re looking for a specific person, you can search by name and scroll through the results to find their live video. You can also use the location search feature to find live broadcasts in your area. If you’re not able to find the live video you want, you can always try searching for a replay of the previous broadcast.
2. Go to the Stories bar
When you are on the Instagram platform, you will see a story bar at the top of your screen. This is where people share their stories and photos with other users. If someone you follow goes live on Instagram, their live broadcast will appear here. You can also view videos from Instagram accounts that you don’t follow by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the page.
The top stories are usually live, so you can watch them right away. You may even get a notification when someone you follow is live. You can also find random live videos on the IGTV page by searching for them. The IGTV page is an excellent way to find interesting and entertaining content. You can even follow live events that are taking place in your area and participate in them.
Until recently, Instagram’s IGTV feature was a popular place to watch random lives on instagram 2022. However, in October of 2021, Instagram scrapped IGTV in favor of focusing more on video content. You can still watch IGTV broadcast replays from certain Instagram users, though. All you have to do is visit the profile of a user and check for a pulsating circle next to their picture.
If a person you follow is live on IG, their name will be listed below their profile picture. You can also see if a user is live by looking at the top of the story bar. Typically, those profiles that go live will have a red circle around their name.
You can also find random Instagram live videos by searching for them on the explore page. The top lives receive the most views, so they are featured on the first page of the search results. This method can take some time to master, but it is worth the effort.
3. Go to the Profile page
There are a few different ways to find random Instagram lives. One way is to go to the explore page and look for IGTV videos that are labeled “live.” This will show you a list of live videos from users that you don’t follow. Another way to find a random Instagram live video is to search by hashtags. You can search for any hashtags that start with #igtv or “live.” The results page will display both images and videos, so you can easily differentiate the two.
You can also find Instagram live videos by using the Stories bar. Usually, people who are live will have a live icon next to their name in the Stories bar. You can also search for a particular person or account by tapping on their profile photo and then tapping on the magnifying glass in the top right corner of the screen.
Finally, you can also find Instagram live videos by searching by location. This will allow you to see a list of live videos that are taking place in your area.
The best way to find random Instagram live videos is to follow as many people as possible. This will give you a higher chance of seeing someone go live. You can also keep an eye on your Instagram notifications to see if anyone has gone live. Lastly, you can use the TikTok app to see if any of your Instagram followers are also active on TikTok. Often times, people will go live on both platforms at the same time. This is especially common for social media influencers and celebrities. This method is not as reliable as the other methods, but it can still be useful for finding Instagram live videos.
4. Go to the People page
As social media users, we all have our own methods to keep ourselves entertained and satisfied. Some like to spend their free time in nature, while others prefer a good dose of social media entertainment. Instagram is one of those platforms that offer a variety of different content to choose from. Whether it’s reels, videos, highlights, or stories, it has everything you need to stay busy and keep you hooked. And one of the best parts of the platform is its live video feature. Live video allows users to broadcast their lives in real-time and share them with the rest of the world.
However, since the IGTV feature was removed in 2021, finding random live Instagram videos has become more difficult. But don’t worry, we’ve got a workable solution to the problem.
To find random Instagram live videos, go to the People page. This is a page that displays all of your follower’s profiles. When you tap on a profile, the page will display their Live Video streaming choices. You can also view popular Live Videos on the top of the page.
You can also search for a specific username on the Instagram app by tapping the Search icon located on the bottom bar of the screen. You can then view all of the search results. Once you’ve found a video, just select the profile icon that says ‘LIVE’ to watch it.
This method can be a bit tricky to use, but it can be very rewarding in the end. It’s a great way to discover new live streams from people you don’t even know. Plus, it’s a fun way to get a peek into the lives of some of your favorite Instagram creators and influencers.
5. Go to the IGTV page
Instagram Live is a video-sharing app that lets people share their lives with the world. This type of content is often a bit odd and unpredictable, but it can be fascinating to watch. People also use this platform to connect with their followers and make announcements.
If you want to find random Instagram Lives, there are a few different ways to do so. One way is to go to the explore page and look for them. Another way is to search for specific hashtags, such as #IGTV or #live. This will allow you to find live videos that are relevant to your interests.
You can also find random Instagram Lives by using the IGTV page. This is a separate section of the Instagram app that has different types of video content. The IGTV page has several different categories of video, including recommendations for you and videos that are trending. You can also find live videos from your followers by tapping on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen.
If you’re interested in watching a live video, tap on the profile of the person who is live. This will open the live video in full-screen mode. The video will also be saved to your IGTV library. If you’d like to see more videos from this user, you can scroll through the various options and select any you want to watch.
IGTV was once a separate app, but it’s now integrated into the main Instagram app. You can still search for videos by account or location, but it’s no longer possible to binge-watch live Instagram feeds or recordings of broadcasts. You can, however, find live broadcast replays by searching by people or accounts.