A handbag can be an investment piece, and the right one elevates your wardrobe like no other accessory. However, with designer bags carrying hefty price tags, the idea of purchasing one may feel out of reach for many women. Luckily, buying a preowned designer bag on consignment can help you get your hands on a timeless piece at an affordable price.
According to Stephanie Gonzalez, a retail merchandiser at luxury fashion resale site Fashionphile, the key to finding a coveted designer bag is knowing what you want from your new purchase. Gonzalez suggests thinking about the size of the purse you are looking for, as well as its functionality and how it will complement your style. She adds that you should also keep the material of your desired handbag in mind, as certain materials require more care and protection than others.
Whether you’re on the hunt for a bag that will take your evening look to a new level or need something casual enough for everyday wear, Saks has the season’s best bag heroes in store and online. From a sleek tote that radiates Y2K-era minimalism to a small leather-trimmed raffia tote that will pair perfectly with breezy white dresses and cut-off shorts, there’s a designer bag for every occasion and style.
Aya Kanai, the head of shopping at Google, says that a quality designer bag is timeless and carries a sense of luxury. She recommends the Louis Vuitton travel bag for a high-end option or Gabriela Hearst’s Nina bag (named after singer-activist Nina Simone) as an entry-level purchase. designer handbags