Mon. Feb 10th, 2025

Feeling stress and the need for a quick recharge? Feeling blocked, stuck in your ways and the desire to be more flexible and forgiving? Do you have the desire to undo the energy drain of the life and work, start the year or business anew? If yes, it’s time to be like bamboo

Want to be strong without being tough? Finding the strength to lead from a place that does not drain your joy or energy? Be like the bamboo.

As entrepreneurs we spend much of our time working, thinking, and creating from a place of busyness. We spend most of our time in the doing, and very little time in a space of quiet – between all the doing. So much of what we do is on autopilot, focused on goals, and getting things done. This is the path to stress and burnout.

At times we get so caught up in the many little tasks we are managing that we lose sight of our original intention and passion. The tasks take over and the big picture begins to blur.

Often, we are piloted by busy versus peaceful or productive energy. The days fly by, blending into each other. We look up and we are tired or lost.

We are so set on achieving what we set out to do that we often forget to take breaks, celebrate our successes, and enjoy what we have created.

I love the seasons as teachers for leadership and self-care. In the spirit of Spring and the 5 elements, I look to wood as the element of the season. Bamboo, a wood element, is one of the most sustainable, easily renewable resources. When in use, it is one of the most efficient resources – as virtually every part makes a valuable contribution. It thrives without harmful additives, in a variety of conditions. Once planted, the roots remain in place.

This is an invitation in the form of a metaphor. It is also a chance to live into the practice of inviting art, movement and play into your life. Consider it an opportunity to practice visualization – allowing this vision to lead you on your path to peace and clarity. To be like bamboo.

Visioning is a way to just breathe and be. Movement is a way to access our deepest, most enduring self. Letting go of our minds and allowing our bodies to just sway and flow. Connect imagination to this movement and allow it to lead. women’s bamboo leggings

By Admin

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