Mon. Feb 10th, 2025

Online coaching pt is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways for personal trainers to work with clients. A good online coach has figured out how to be virtually omnipresent in the lives of their clients and help them through any obstacles that come up, rather than simply waiting until they see them in person.

Working with an online PT can help to solve problems that frequently arise in in-person training such as travel, busy schedules and lack of accountability. With an online PT, clients can follow their personalised workout programme without having to worry about missing a session because they are travelling or have a big work meeting. Similarly, they can work out at their own gym instead of the PT’s gym, which could be more convenient for them or at a time that suits their lifestyle.

Most virtual PTs will set up their programmes using software such as Trainerize and create personalised workout videos for their clients that are easy to follow. They may also provide nutrition guides and help with goal setting. They will often take feedback from their clients throughout the programme and change elements of the programme if they feel that the client is not progressing as expected.

For the client, the main advantage of online coaching is that they can work with their PT at a much more affordable rate than if they were to meet in-person. However, it is important for them to realise that they still need to put in the hard work and have a level of self-discipline that is not present when they are at the gym meeting with their PT face-to-face. Online coaching pt

By Admin

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